黑喵早午餐 Heimeow Zaowutsan

CatTuna Sunday Brunch
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  • Prep: 10 min
  • Cook: 20 min
  • Serves: 2
  • Complexity: easy
Rain rain go away. Come again another day. CatTuna wants to play. Rain rain go away! It's Friday again. WE need weekend but we don't need to rain!!
CatTuna wants to share a brunch recipe, Miso Egg Tart. And wish you have nice weekend. Play with CatTuna, BonappTreat!


  • Egg 2
  • Milk 2 tbsp
  • Veggies of choice
  • Misso 1.5 tbsp
  • Boiled water 1 tbsp
  • Gouda cheese 12 slices
  • Cheddar cheese 12 slices


A. Miso Egg Tart
  1. Fried the choice of veggies until soft and turn to middle small heat.
  2. Well mix miso with boiled water; eggs with milk.
  3. Pour the miso sauce to the veggies, stir and mix well.
  4. And then join the eggs milk, cover until it's firm.
  5. Use the peeler to peel the cheese into slices and deorate them on the top of egg tart and cover.
  6. Slightly shake the egg tart and slide onto the plate when the cheese is melted. Ready to serve.